‘Soaring towards our future’
We use our manners and politely speak to people. We do as we are asked. We treat people fairly
We recognise and accept cultural differences. We take an active part in all school activities. We believe that everyone is special
We look out for others. We keep our environment clean. We are always responsible for ourselves
Personal Excellence
We ‘have a go’, We set goals. We take risks. We do our best. We develop leadership skills.
We strive to keep going even in times of challenge.
Welcome to Temuka Primary
Kia ora, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, and Namaste – a warm welcome to you all!
At Temuka Primary School, we are proud to be at the heart of our community, providing a nurturing and engaging learning environment for tamariki from Year 0 to Year 6. With a rich history spanning over 150 years, we continue to foster strong connections with local early childhood centres, whānau, and Opihi College, ensuring a smooth learning journey for every child.
We are fortunate to have spacious playing fields and a beautiful natural environment, offering plenty of opportunities for our tamariki to be active, explore, and enjoy the outdoors. Our cycle track, scooters, and daily fitness programme help keep students moving, while our sports programme links to local sporting groups across Temuka. Our school swimming pool caters to younger students, while older students use the local community pool. We also make great use of Temuka Domain and other local spaces, providing hands-on learning experiences beyond the classroom.
Since 2021, we have proudly been part of the Healthy Lunch in Schools Programme, ensuring that all students receive nutritious meals to support their learning. We have also opted into the school donation scheme, making it easier for all tamariki to fully participate in school events and activities without financial barriers.
Our school values – Resilience, Acceptance, Caring, Personal Excellence, and Respect (RACER) – are at the heart of everything we do. Alongside a strong foundation in Literacy and Numeracy, we embrace learning in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories, Social Sciences, ICT/DT, and more, equipping our students with the knowledge and skills they need for the future.
At Temuka Primary, we nurture not only academic success but also positive social, emotional, and leadership skills, helping every student develop confidence and life skills that will serve them well beyond their primary years.
We love welcoming new families to our school whānau! If you are considering enrolling your child at Temuka Primary School, please feel free to pop in, send me an email at principal@temuka.school.nz, or give me a call on 03 615 7178 – I’d love to connect with you.
Ngā mihi mahana kia koutou – warm greetings to you all.
Aroha Stewart
Term Dates 2025
Term 1 - Thursday 30 January 2025 - Friday 11 April 2025 (Public Holidays during Term 1 - Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day)
Term 2 - Monday 28 April 2025 - Friday 27 June 2025 (Public Holiday during Term 2: Monday 2 June - King's Birthday, Friday 20 June - Matariki)
Term 3 - Monday 14 July 2025 - Friday 19 September 2025 (Public Holiday during Term 3: None)
Term 4 - Monday 6 October 2025 - Tuesday 16 December 2025 (Public Holidays During Term 4: Monday 27 October - Labour Day)